Tuesday, 19 May 2009

La Bise - Une Vraie Enigme Française

When visiting France, especially when staying with a French family, you will most likely discover the "bise" tradition.

La "bise" is a kiss on the cheek. Traditionally when you meet a friend or a relative you kiss each other on the cheeks.

A qui fait-on la bise? (Who should you exchange kisses with?)

You would usually "faire la bise" with friends, acquaintances and relatives. You do not exchange kisses with your boss or teacher unless you also know them as friends!

Men do not usually exchange kisses with other men, they prefer to shake hands (much more manly!).

Combien de bises? (How many kisses should you exchange?)

It may be two, three or four depending on where you are in France. Check out the link below for a map showing the number of kisses in the different regions:


The map is pretty good but don't rely on it too much as there are no rules. Just let the other person lead you and remember that even French people get it wrong.

Et on commence par quelle joue? (Which cheek do you start with?)

Well once again no rules. Some people say that you start with the right cheek in the north of France and with the left cheek in the south but this is not always the case so again best not to rely on it.

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