Wednesday, 18 February 2009

History remains in the French and English Languages

It is interesting how centuries of not getting on so well has remained in both French and English languages. For example, there is "to take French leave" , in French "filer à l'anglaise" (to leave the English way). The English used to call syphilis the "French disease", whilst the French called it "la maladie anglaise" (English disease). A condom is referred to, in French as "la capote anglaise" (English hood) and in English as "French letter".

Et cela continue! The French enjoy making fun of English cuisine: "des légumes cuits à l'anglaise" for overboiled vegetables. The English must think that the French are not fond of bathing: "a French shower" (ça c'est un peu cruel).

Happily not all french and english adjectives have bad meanings: "french kiss", "french door", "french bread", "les anglaises" (ringlets), "crème anglaise" (egg custard), etc.

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