Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Practice Your French Listening

As we all know, practice is really the key to learning and mastering a new language. Over the years thanks to the internet it is becoming increasingly easier to listen to French radios, French news, French songs, French movies, etc. If you have an ipod, you can even download podcasts onto your ipod and listen to them in the car, in the bath, when making dinner, etc.

Here are a few free podcasts which may be of interest:

Journal en Francais Facile: It is not that "facile" but the journalists do speak a little bit slower than they usually do.

France Info Junior: Every week children asks questions regarding a specific topic. Listening to the children ask questions is interesting as they tend to repeat what they hear as opposed to speaking a grammatically correct French. For instance they may say : "qui s on" for "qu'ils ont"

And more: Various other podcasts about current affairs, movies, gardening, etc.

Here are a few podcasts for a fee:

Daily French Podcast: this site offers podcasts of different levels as well as transcripts and exercises.

Learn by French Podcast: this site offers French lessons through podcasts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can I add another couple of sites ?

www.listentofrench.org - about top high school levelk

www.sonsenfrancais.org - up to any beyond DALF level !

Both with lots of TV & film clips
